Plyco Blog

The Plyco plywood and veneer blog provides product information, practical tips, and project inspiration for completing DIY, architectural & professional projects. Expert plywood product tutorials and catalogue updates will have you completing your project in no time.

6 Unexpected Uses for Plywood

The team here at Plyco are unsurprisingly immersed in the plywood community. Being around stacks and...
Plyco Team 09/05/2019 1:58:35 PM

5 Things to Know About Marine Ply Before Your Next Project

In the past, we have spoken about the differences between British Marine Ply and Australian Marine P...
Plyco Team 09/05/2019 1:54:43 PM

How Does Plyco's Flexiply Manage to be so Flexible?

Flexiply is one of the most mind-bending products we provide here at Plyco. When you think of plywoo...
Plyco Team 09/05/2019 1:50:32 PM

Plyco's Top Tips for Cutting Plywood

So, you’ve just picked up some beautiful, fresh sheets of plywood from Plyco and it’s time to get cr...
Plyco Team 09/05/2019 1:47:28 PM

How to Prepare Your Marine Plywood for Outdoor and Exterior Use

Looking to prepare your Marine Plywood for outdoor and exterior use?
Plyco Team 09/05/2019 1:00:47 PM

Plyco's Top 6 Most Amazing Uses of Plywood

As far as building materials go, Plywood just might be the most versatile in the history of the worl...
Plyco Team 09/05/2019 12:00:08 PM

The Differences Between Structural and Non-Structural Plywood

When starting a DIY project there are a lot of questions you’ll be asking yourself about plywood. So...
Plyco Team 09/05/2019 11:39:47 AM

Laminated Kitchen Benchtops With Plyco’s Spotless Laminate Range

Laminate Kitchen Benchtops The humble kitchen benchtop. Seems like a pretty simple feature you’ll fi...
Plyco Team 09/05/2019 11:27:46 AM

What is the Best Plywood?

A simple, yet incredibly deep question; what is the best plywood? If you ask 100 people, you’re most...
Plyco Team 09/05/2019 11:05:20 AM

What Is Veneer?

A term you will have no doubt come across many times if you’ve surfed Plyco’s website or social medi...
Plyco Team 08/05/2019 4:16:40 PM

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